Tuesday, May 29, 2007

What is the New Normal

The title of this blog is The New Normal, but what exactly is that, what does that look like? Now that we've had some time to get in a new groove, we're getting a clearer picture of the New Normal.

For starters, it changes what's important. Sometimes we just have bad days and we take time for that. Before, I was very schedule and task oriented. If things weren't done on time, I was upset and now that just doesn't matter at all some times. Sometimes Rebecca and/or I just need time and now we just take it.

Now we feel like we understand how important it is to be a good friend. We realised so many people didn't know what do with us, but that we appreciated people who made an effort. We know some things better now, but we still don't always know what to do with other people's hurt either. What we do know is that it's important to make an effort, and to be a good friend. Part of that being a good friend is just knowing that everybody's pain is different and that everyone's pain, while being different can be the worst ever to them. Just like I said in the How to Help post, comparison never helps and it's always the worst thing in the world to the people going through it.

So our New Normal is a change of priorities, a change of schedules, a change of attitudes a change of our life pace and direction.

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