Friday, July 25, 2008

How we're doing now

Worn Out. I think that's the only way to describe it. It's almost like we're too tired to be sad any more. We've been sad for the last year and a half; we just can't take any more of it. This time, we were sad for about two days and then we were just done. Didn't have the energy to cry almost.

We feel like we have nothing left to say, and we don't really care to hear people tell us what God is going to do. And we're also not keen any more on hearing stories like so and so lost five babies, but then had three kids. The following analogy I think would fit and describe how we feel when we hear those stories. Let's say you've been in a bad car wreck and you're still a quadriplegic in a motorized chair. Someone comes up to you and says, "I saw this show a few days back about a guy in a wheel chair, just like you, and he said it was the best thing that ever happened to him because now he values life, he's overcome adversity and shown what you can accomplish with determination..." and you want to just drive over their toes and knock their shins. Those stories don't make us feel any better either.

Something we wish we could do better was talk to everyone who wants to talk to us. Many friends call, but we just don't have anything to say besides the same story: lost at 12 weeks, feel OK, very sad, yada yada. If we haven't gotten back to you we apologize, we just have a lot calls which we appreciate very much and don't have time or energy to call everybody back.

That's the hard part. The good part is that we thank everyone for their support. We do love getting the emails and voice mails that say, we're thinking of you, we're very sorry etc. We are so thankful for our friends and family. We're thankful that Rebecca is OK. They went and got the baby out, but no surgery was required so Rebecca is feeling much better this time.

Thank you again for your support. Even just you reading this blog is encouraging to us when we get to look at the stats and see that 2500 different people have read the blog and have visited from all over the world.

Take care, Micah


Anonymous said...

Micah & Rebecca,

I'm sorry to hear your latest news. You both are still in my prayers and thoughts daily.

Megan (McDonald) Wright

Anonymous said...

Micah & Rebecca:

I so appreciate your condor and honesty. We love you guys!

Hey...we're (the Idaho Kling clan) thinking about going to the mountains (McCall) in August. It will be a Tuesday/Wednesday rather than the weekend. Let us know if you want to join us. It's a pleasant change from the heat in August.

You're in our prayers....


Anonymous said...

My heart goes out to the two of you. It just breaks my heart to hear about your loss. I will continue to think of you guys and hold you up prayerfully to the Lord. Dexter

Rachel Richard said...

We love you guys and are so sorry about your news. We are sending hugs and lots of prayer from Indiana.

John & Rachel

Anonymous said...

Rebecca and Micah - what courage you must have to write things like this. Your posts are beautiful and heart-wreching at the same time. Please know that you are an inspiration to many people - and I, for one, will always try to recognize the extravagance of God and to have the great life He has planned for me.

I actually went to Bell at the same time as you (graduated 1995) but must confess, I did not remember you until your mom said "Drumline. Red hair." And I thought "Ah! Yes, I remember now!" I could not fathom going through what you have been through at such a young age. The two of you must feel that you have had a lifetime of sorrow crammed into the last couple years.

We will continue to pray for you and your family. Your posts give
us courage and strength and allow us to remember what is really important in life.


Tony Patterson

Amber said...

Words fail.

Thinking and praying for you both always.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Micah & Rebecca,
Thanks for taking in Hurricane Ike evacuees! Coco feels grateful to have visited a lovely home where she is welcomed so enthusiastically by her friend, Max. Now...about the is so fun to hear from you, Micah, I wonder if you could occasionally give us a Grapevine update? It could be about anything: the bathroom remodeling, your ongoing fight against the sand burrs, or what it was like to have your in-laws around for six days and five nights:) We love you and thank you again for having us!
Love, Tassy & Bobby